Data monitoring for life science R&D: why reading widely is critical and how you can get it done

Data monitoring for life science R&D: why reading widely is critical and how you can get it done

While intensive research and development time is critical in the life sciences industry, keeping on top of news, insights and research is essential for data-driven decision making. A discovery is only as good as its broader context. Questions to consider include whether there are competitors playing in the arena, and what patents exist, if any, in your area of development. It’s possible to make rapid breakthroughs if all your (information) ducks are in a row. 

Covid-19 proved how rapidly the biotech sector evolves. Companies like Moderna and BioNTech were newbies in the mRNA space before the pandemic, and with significant leaps in income and status, are now household names.

But as the industry is in constant flux and fast paced, staying on top of reading material can be tricky. Indeed, information overload and time constraints are real concerns for busy biotech entrepreneurs. We’ll look at why you need to read widely, and how to carve out precious time and resources to do so. 

Why staying on top of developments, insights, data, news and research is important

Comprehensive knowledge

Reading widely opens the door to a broad range of studies, research papers, reports and expert opinions. Because the world of biotech can be complex, reading widely on the subject matter can also uncover several perspectives and nuances. 

Identify trends and patterns

Analyzing different data sources helps to identify trends and patterns. This leads to informed decision-making and more accurate predictions based on the collective knowledge from various sources. 

Validation and cross-checking

Reading widely allows you to cross-check information and validate findings. Reproducibility and verification are essential in the scientific community to ensure the credibility and reliability of data. 

Sparking new R&D ideas

There’s no doubt that exposure to diverse ideas and research can spark creativity and lead to innovative approaches in data monitoring and analysis. 

You may be thinking that this is all well and good, but how do I find the time?

Here are a few ways to prioritize your knowledge sessions.

Set specific time slots

Allocate specific time slots during your day dedicated to reading news and insights in the life sciences space. It could be during your morning coffee, lunch break, or after work. 

Use commuting time

If you have a daily commute via public transport, perhaps use the time to catch up on news. If you have a car trip, consider podcasts or recorded readings. 

Prioritize reading

It may seem pithy, but prioritizing your reading time is key. If you consider it essential for your professional development, you’ll be more motivated to find the time for it. 

Participate in webinars

Many organizations, media publications and research institutions host webinars and online seminars on a huge variety of life science topics. These can provide valuable insights without needing to read vast swathes of information. You’ll also likely hear from experts in the field and indeed, get to ask any burning question you may have.

Automating data monitoring

There’s no doubt that the sheer volume of data generated by the life sciences industry is too large for humans to monitor effectively. AI-driven insights management solutions like Similari are able to do it in real-time, collating key findings into an easy-to-read format, and helping researchers offload 90% of data monitoring time from their daily work. 

With Similari, you can do your essential reading in a smart way

It’s important to read trustworthy and robust news and research. With the right data monitoring approach, readers can expand their knowledge in an evolving and dynamic field. With Similari, you have all the information at your fingertips presented on one dashboard. Yep, no need to compile a reading list from multiple sites.  What’s more, Similari’s AI-enabled insights management platform monitors millions of deep data points in your chosen arena of inquiry. Reach out today for a free demo, and find out how Similari can help you offload up to 90% of your data monitoring time, while delivering deeper, more relevant insights in real-time.

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